REGO – Cognitive robotic tools for human-centered small-scale multi-robot operations
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RĔGO is a 4-years project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme.
It aims to develop an innovative set of AI-powered, microsized, untethered, stimuli-responsive swarms of robots. They will be wirelessly steered through electromagnetic fields as well as respond to other external stimuli, jointly controlled by humans through intuitive multisensory interfaces and by autonomous controllers through AI-based cognitive algorithms. They will be carried and intelligently deployed by a set of similar AI-powered, milli-sized, untethered, stimuli-responsive robotic carriers, able to dispatch the microsized robotic swarm and to locally steer/activate it for improved multi-robot control at the micro-scale. Similarly to ants and multi-drone systems, the RĔGO robots will be able to team up and collaborate to fulfil highly complex tasks in a robust, scalable, and unprecedented flexible way.
RĔGO is carried out by eight institutions in four European Union countries.